Right before you have the choice between staying or running, the song ' Should I Stay or Should I Go' plays.Why the hell did you buy a game like Far Cry if you're just gonna wait 15 minutes idling for a pacifist's ending? This is a fucking First Person Shooter, go do some shooting already! The quote may count as a comedic What the Hell, Player?.
They then hop back into their helicopter, with Min bellowing 'Maybe now we can finally shoot some goddamn guns', and the credits roll. When Min returns, he lets Ajay put his mother's ashes to rest without issue, all the while offhandedly explaining the entire plot of the game in casual conversation. On a meta-level, the 'secret ending' where Ajay does what Pagan Min asks at the beginning of the game, and just hangs around in his palace for Min to come back.only to realize that he was being serious, whereupon he awkwardly retracts his statement. One of the 'Hunting: Control' missions begins with the quest-giver frantically telling Ajay that his wife was eaten by rabid honey badgers.